Inventor Looking for an Investor in Building a NEW type of :
It's Time.
Earn $100,000.00 by finding an Investor to help build this machine, see Rewards.
I am offering a $100,000.00 to any person that finds an Investor that agrees to the signing of my contract in building this machine. See Contract Requirements and the Contract. This does not apply to any individual or business that contacts me directly and accepts my proposal. The reward will be settled with the Finder after all papers and monies are agreed upon by the Investor and Inventor. At that time, the Finder will be notified and arrangements will be made for payment. The Inventor will continue trying to contact an Investor after this website is published. Otherwise, all initial contacts will be by the prospective Investor through this website. *For the Finder, please notify me by messaging through my contact site the prospective Investor's name before I am contacted by the Investor, that you so named, so your name can be affixed to the reward prior to the Investor applying himself. Otherwise nothing can be verified or secured that you are the original finder, unless the Investor admits to your involvement.
So Go Find That Investor!
This could be anybody that has always wanted to own their own private flying car or someone who just wants to invest in a good product with future royalties. EXAMPLES: a car collector, a wealthy investor- (private or business), a rich superstar (entertainer or athlete), a millionaire or billionaire that you know, this could be your boss or uncle, a CEO of a large company, or this just may be YOU.