Inventor Looking for an Investor in Building a NEW type of :
It's Time.
Earn $100,000.00 by finding an Investor to help build this machine, see Rewards.
Prior to publishing this site I tried to contact several businesses and individuals to present this prototype and its possibilities for future uses and productions. I had no responses from either. I am looking for an individual or business that is interested enough to finance the initial vehicle with the resultant investor being a long term partner through the initial building, flying and driving stages, and ultimately finding a company or individual that would be interested in building of such a vehicle with royalties going to both parties. I also have a backup plan in case that the patents do not go through, and that would be that the investor would get the second vehicle at his cost. The value of the second vehicle would out weigh all that was invested initially for both cars. The following are businesses and individuals that I tried to contact:
* The people that I tried to contact all loved vehicles that fly or drive. All of the aircraft businesses were contacted by letters, and private individuals were contacted through information obtained on the internet by e-mail sources. I had no success with reply's. I still hoped that someone will reply. I hope that a car lover or an aircraft enthusiast will become a part of my venture. Whoever is interested or inquisitive and qualified, can always write, and I will get back to you if your offer is appropriate.