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         Hello.  I am a 74 year old male.  I have been pondering this flying machine for 45 years, and now I am ready to build this fabulous machine.

        My education involves the following.  I grew up on a farm and ranch doing most everything as a child and adolescent.  I graduated 17th in my high school class.  I have worked as a gas station attendant, worked in the mines in Nevada, worked in a retail store, food service, and construction before receiving a bachelor of science degree in secondary education and taught part-time in local high schools until I entered medical school.  I went through a family practice residency program and was board certified in 1993.  I jumped into emergency room work for 20 years and dabbled in workers compensation and family practice, specializing in myofascial disorders.

         I have an honorable discharge from the U.S. Air Force as a member of the Nevada Air National Guard, holding a top secret clearance.  I held eight AFSCs through the Air Force, (hydraulic and & pneudraulic specialist on jet aircraft, as well as a tire and fuel cell specialist, medic, lab technician, optometrist technician, and medical physician), and retire as a captain in the medical unit.  I have built a house.  I have restored 7 cars and ended up selling them all.  I started body building at 14 years of age and still go every day that I can.  I won best arms in my first competition as a junior in medical school.  I have three patents on therapeutic swings that accelerates early child development.

        I am currently pursuing the last endeavor of my life. This flying machine.





   John Van Horn:  Inventor

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